4:09 p.m. 2006-06-24
The Bitch says: -

I forgot to add that that chance of dying is within the next year.

And I have surgery on the 6th of July. I just can't wait to see what goes wrong... Something will. Something always does.

I'm bored and miserable and I wish I had a car... I would drive everywhere possible before I die and eventually croke behind the wheel. I'd like that.

You'd think that the news that your daughter is dying would make a mother want to make things better, would make her want to spend time with said daughter.... But not my mother. She wants me out of her apartment as soon as possible and she has been screaming at me for the past several hours for something that is in no way my fault... We have an alcoholic, women hating neighbor who wants nothing more than to beat the shit out of me even though he doesn't even know me.... And that's somehow my fault.

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