7:47 a.m. 2005-11-20
The Bitch says: Thanksgiving Dinner and Family.

I woke up at about 7:00 this morning to the phone ringing. It was my man. He's in Philly. 300+ miles away. I hate it that he's so far away from me and that he has been for so long, almost 4 months. I miss him horribly.

Anyways, I didn't get to sleep until about 3:00 this morning and so I only go about 4 hours of sleep, if that. So, I'm understandibly grumpy.... Especially since, after getting off of the phone with him, I had to call my mother.

We're arguing. Again. Like always.... But my family's Thanksgiving dinner is today, they have it early every year, and I need a ride... I'm not going to miss it just because we can't get along.... Free food. Free food that I'll get to bring home. Can't miss that.

Plus, there are a few family members that I actually want to see.... My little counsins and the one my age. That's about it, though. If it wasn't for them, I'd probably just have a dinner of my own.

Things never go too well at family dinners. My uncle and I always argue. He's an asshole. A racist, sexist asshole and we always argue over something. Usually one of the two topics above... Hell, I even had a dream about it the other night. Heh.

Yeah. Can't wait. She's picking me up at around 10:00.

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