4:17 a.m. 2006-01-16
The Bitch says: tra la la

I've had the Internet since the 11th but I haven't felt like updating... I haven't really had anything to update about.

I took the Civil Service Test on Friday... It was easy, I know that I passed.... My mother let me drive her car and everyone there knew who I was, even though they'd never met me before and there are countless cars like hers driving around.. It was kind of funny, actually.

I don't know if I'll take the job if I get it, though... I might just move and get one somewhere else.. I applied for help with my rent with the Housing Authority and they should be getting back to me soon... If they help me, and I have no doubt that they will, I'll be able to get a nice apartment for close to nothing... And I'll be able to get a job and save up money to get a car and move.
I know I've said this before but I'm going to say it again... I NEED to move. I really, really do. I can't continue to live here... I'm not happy here and I never will be. The entire state drives me insane. I've tried moving to different parts of the state, the larger cities, but it's wasn't enough.. It was still the same state with the same fucking people. Different faces and different names but the same ignorant, intolerant beliefs.

Oh, and my ex-landlord claims that the reason that she brought up black people to my mother is because she was concerned because I'm "young".... I'm almost 20 years old. Is there an age limit on befriending minorities that I don't know about? You know, like there is with Cigarettes and Alcohol... I mean, please. I've been choosing my friends for a long time, my mother has never had a say in who my friends are and she never will... I've had friends other other races since grade school and suddenly I'm too young to have people other different races visit me without parental supervision? The people here never cease to amaze me.

By the way, I got most of my deposit back... She only kept about $40.00. I'm shocked... I might be able to move out of my mother's apartment next month. Hopefully.

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